#100 days of code


The early days of my first 100 days of code were not easy at all, but honestly, it gets better! I began this journey on 01 - 02 - 2022 and completed it on 11 - 05 - 2022. This has been one of the best decisions I took this year. At the journey's end, I learned a lot of things.

The top three things that I learned amongst all the technical things I studied are 

1. I developed a habit of wanting to learn something new every day 

 2. Challenges, problems, errors, or bugs are a part of this whole process ( they are not as scary as they look and frankly, you get better by fixing problems) 

 3. Perseverance!

To anyone who is reading this and wants to start the #100DaysOfCode or has been waiting for the right moment to start, this is the perfect time to start. In fact, this is your sign to start :). When you get to the difficult days, remember what motivated you to start and move on! you can do it!

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